Welcome to our Dog Therapy team,

Do you enjoy volunteering and serving others? Do you have an amazing, friendly, loving dog that enjoys being around people? Then you might have just the right combination to become a Therapy Dog Team with Golden Healer Therapy Dogs! What do Therapy dogs do? Essentially, therapy dogs are used in a wide range of areas to provide comfort and joy to individuals in great distress or other uncomfortable situations. Our Therapy Dog teams provide visits to children/adult hospitals, airports, events, schools, treatment facilities, first responder agencies, corporate and business locations, and much more. All of our dogs go through a very thorough training program, including the AKC's "Canine Good Citizen" certification, A pre-requisite to be able top admit your dog to our therapy dog training. We believe most dogs are capable to perform as therapy dogs in our local communities. We offer an extensive training course for your furry friend, to become the next hero of our community. if you are interested and have already completed the "Canine Good Citizen" Certification (if it wasn't through us, you must provide proof of certification for your dog), you are able to join our therapy dogs in training program. The Training offers extensive education, assessing your Dogs and your needs, and developing plus improving the skills of your dog and yourself as its handler. Our training course is offered by donation.  As a fundraising effort, your contribution of $500 will go directly to Golden Healers Service Dogs and help someone in need of a service dog. Not only will you help our community by becoming part of our Therapy Dog team, but you are also making a great difference in someones life, receive a service dog. The Donation covers therapy dog training, certification, first year of Insurance, and the therapy dog vest. We believe in building a world of healing, 4 paws at a time.

Next therapy Dog Training Classes begin April 2024:

Program includes: four 1 hour training classes throughout the month & a final 1 hour test and certification class.

Register for New "Therapy Dog Training"

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    Contact Us

    While email is the fastest way to receive a response, here are our alternative forms of communication.



    • PO Box 411, Draper, Utah 84020

    • +1 801 783 7220

    • info@goldenhealerservicedogs.com